Read XML with XDocument on Windows Phone build at StreamingAssets Folder

Hi i currently have some problem about reading xml.

i have XML files at my streamingassets folder. when i load it from editor with

application.streamingassetspath + “/Dialog.xml” , and pass it to
XDocument.Load parameter it works perfect. but when i build it to android or windows phone it cant find the path…

so what i do wrong ? im so frustated, i can load xml file content with www.text, but XDocument.Load need a path not the content :s

btw this is my script, i get parameter xmlPath from application.streamingassetspath + “/Dialog.xml”

private string RequestDataFromXML(string xmlPath, string mainXmlTag, string id, string requestedAttribute)
		string dataFromXML = "";
		//_dialogPath = "jar:file://" + Application.dataPath + "!/assets/Pattimura/Dialog.xml";
		XDocument xml = XDocument.Load(xmlPath);
		var queryIntro = from c in xml.Root.Descendants(mainXmlTag)
			where c.Attribute("id").Value == id
				select c.Attribute(requestedAttribute).Value;

		foreach(string text in queryIntro) dataFromXML = text;
		return dataFromXML;

for now i just hardcode streamingAssets path to “Data/StreamingAssets” for WP8 and it works perfectly.

I successfully read on PC, iOS and Android with this code:

	string filepath = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, locale+"list.xml");
	if (filepath.Contains ("://")) {
		// in Android it need to be un-jared
	} else {
		XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument ();
		if (File.Exists (filepath)) {
			xmlDoc.Load (filepath);
			XmlNodeList animalsList = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName ("item");
			int i = 0;
			foreach (XmlNode animal in animalsList) {
				animalName [i++] = animal.InnerText.ToString ();
				//Debug.Log (animal.InnerText);
		} else
			Debug.Log ("File: " + filepath + " does not exists");

IEnumerator extractText(string filepath) {
	XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument ();
	WWW www = new WWW (filepath);
	yield return www;
	xmlDoc.LoadXml (www.text);
	XmlNodeList animalsList = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName ("item");
	int i = 0;
	foreach (XmlNode animal in animalsList) {
		animalName [i++] = animal.InnerText.ToString ();
		//Debug.Log (animal.InnerText);

I am looking for solution for Windows Phone 8.