Reading a file with BinaryReader and Filestream

I’m trying to read in a username and a password. Then I want to check if that account exists, and if the password is correct. Right now I’m reading from a file which has the following layout:


I’m trying to read it in as follows:

using (BinaryReader bread = new BinaryReader(new FileStream (@"C:\Users\Roby\Documents\TU Delft\Minor\Unityprojects\NetworkingTest\Accounts.txt", FileMode.Open)))
					string name = bread.ReadString();
					string word = bread.ReadString();
					Debug.Log(name + word);

I’m getting the following Exception: Failed to read past end of the stream.

So my 2 questions are:

  • How can I determine the length of the file? (How many name+passwords are there?)

  • How can I fix this exception? Right now I have 1 name and 1 password. So it should work right?

Apparently, if I use a StreamReader, it works a lot better :stuck_out_tongue: So, I will not use a binaryreader :slight_smile: