Reading a .txt file not working?

For some reason when i try to get it to Load the .txt file it just says that the file could not be found

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;  

public class TextCar : MonoBehaviour 

	public TextAsset text;
	void Start()
		Load (;

	private bool Load(string fileName)
		// Handle any problems that might arise when reading the text
			string line;
			// Create a new StreamReader, tell it which file to read and what encoding the file
			// was saved as
			StreamReader theReader = new StreamReader(fileName, Encoding.Default);
			// Immediately clean up the reader after this block of code is done.
			// You generally use the "using" statement for potentially memory-intensive objects
			// instead of relying on garbage collection.
			// (Do not confuse this with the using directive for namespace at the 
			// beginning of a class!)
			using (theReader)
				// While there's lines left in the text file, do this:
					line = theReader.ReadLine();
					if (line != null)
						// Do whatever you need to do with the text line, it's a string now
						// In this example, I split it into arguments based on comma
						// deliniators, then send that array to DoStuff()
						string[] entries = line.Split(',');
						if (entries.Length > 0)
				while (line != null);
				// Done reading, close the reader and return true to broadcast success    
				return true;
		// If anything broke in the try block, we throw an exception with information
		// on what didn't work
		catch (IOException e)
			return false;

From the code, I’m assuming you want to read the text file line by line.

You don’t need to use StreamReader for that. You can simply use TextAsset, split it and then read the string line by line.

public TextAsset TextFile; 
void readTextFileLines() { 
	string[] linesInFile = TextFile.text.Split('


	foreach (string line in linesInFile)