I am working on a flashcards project. I have a Greek word and its English definition. There may be hundreds of words. Can someone recommend a storage and retrieval mechanism?
I am working on a flashcards project. I have a Greek word and its English definition. There may be hundreds of words. Can someone recommend a storage and retrieval mechanism?
If you want it built into your app, you could simply use a TextAsset.
A simple csv loaded with System.IO would do the job. But as things got bigger you might want to break it up into a more efficient structure. Still, you could get a lot of words this way before its time to panic.
Thanks. I decided to use TextAsset and code like this:
public class Populate : MonoBehaviour
public Text flashText;
public Text answerText;
public TextAsset theFile;
List<string> questions = new List<string>();
List<string> answers = new List<string>();
void GetGreekAndEnglish(ref List<string> greekWords, ref List<string> englishWords)
string wholeFile = theFile.text;
string[] lines = wholeFile.Split ('\n');
int numLines = lines.Length;
for (int ctr = 0; ctr < numLines; ctr++)
string theLine = lines[ctr];
string[] theValues = theLine.Split(',');