Hi, we have iOS crash logs that look like this: (truncated)
0 MyGame 0x005b5168 m_CrewSelectDialog_HandleOnEntryClicked_UnitCardController + 260
1 MyGame 0x005b1620 m_UnitCardController_OnClick + 62
2 MyGame 0x001b6c20 m_EventDelegate_Execute + 58
3 MyGame 0x001b6de0 m_EventDelegate_Execute_System_Collections_Generic_List_1_EventDelegate + 82
4 MyGame 0x00198b48 m_UIButton_OnClick + 78
5 MyGame 0x0102e68c m_wrapper_runtime_invoke_object_runtime_invoke_dynamic_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr + 202
6 MyGame 0x01afe984 mono_jit_runtime_invoke + 2154
7 MyGame 0x01ba1d00 mono_runtime_invoke + 134
Looking at the crash at CrewSelectDialog.HandleOnEntryClicked(UnitCardController c), the offset is +260. Is there a way to correlate that offset to an actual C# Line #? We’re using 4.6.3p2.