I was just wondering, is it possible to load data from an online source into your iOS unity project? Im not sure If it’s possible or if apple would reject it but I was thinking it might be handy.
Maybe you could have a text string in an online file that would allow you to send a message to users or something like that. Could you do that?
thats no problem, but you must at least inform the user on it. and your game must be runnable in the form its downloaded from the store normally. they will not accept ‘proxy containers’ to work around the 20mb limit for example
Cool thanks, that could be handy. I was only thinking of small amounts of data.
Just not sure where to start in the scripting reference, could you point me in the right direction there?
Check out the WWW class. What you would do is create a www object (new WWW (“http://website.com/info.txt”)) then wait for it to finish downloading. Then the data will be in the www.text variable.