Unity version 2.5 0f5 (21627) windows version I've been learning through the Unity tutorial (Introduction to scripting with Unity) i've followed the steps from beginning, in step 4 i've created a scene, i called it pyramid, i've created a javascript Move 1 and attached it to the main camera, in the preference menu i've set the External script editor as use built-in editor (uniscite) then i run the game, and everything was fine, as i was able to control the main camera game object with the cursor keys, ok, the thing is that when i tried to build and run the game, i gave the file name pyramid, then when i opened the game folder there was the game file and a data folder, so i opened the game file and everything was ok except that i was'nt able to control the camera, it seems that the game is not reading the Move 1 script, and when i opened the data folder their was that txt file called output_log, and in it was this note, ( Couldn't load the script "Move1" because its file name doesn't match the class name. Please make sure the file name of the script is the same as the class defined inside it. (Filename: ....\Runtime\Mono\MonoScript.cpp Line: 384) so i wonder what went wrong, could you please let me know, i would be very grateful,
You should be using Unity 2.6.1f3, which I think has some bug fixes in that department.