Real Puppy for the Iphone submitted to apple

Hi all, i’ve finally sort of finished what begun as a very small project, after more than 1 month Real Puppy is ready ! I’ve submitted it yesterday to apple.

The game is a puppy simulator, sort of nintendogs meets tamagotchi, you’ll have to take care of the dog, play with him, clean him, keep the room ordered, cure him, cuddle him etc…
Version 1 is quite simple and still has some problems regarding the smoothness of the IA and movement’s (i think…), graphics can be improved especially the animations, but it should not be to bad…

Id really like to thanks all the unity community for the immense and priceless amount of experience shared, which guided me from null to a game in a ridiculous amount of time ! !

Here’s the first video i made to show the game, i’m going to change this to quite soon…

Please share your thought’s and suggestions, especially regarding the terrible movents the puppy has when turning.


Was entertaining to watch. I just had to rofl when the puppy took a dump on the carpet right next to his food dish. He’s obviously not housebroken yet. The animations though, make it appear as though your new puppy was born with arthritis.

unfortunatly, I have to agree reagrding the animations, it was the first time I animated something alive… hope to improve them soon.

-I just found out a big problem with his eyes, they bounce out of the face sometimes. Quite terrible and even scary when it happens…