Real-Time Editor Updates

I watched a few of the video demo’s made by OTEE and have been running under the assumption that I could do real-time updates to the game, while playing it in Game View window …

This is, somewhat true … from what I’ve seen so far.

I can switch to scene view and move objects around, change inspector values and even add/remove objects from the hierarchy, however … as soon as I press ‘stop’ and stop playing it in Game View … my changes are completely lost.

I’ve tried ‘File->Save’, ‘File->Save Project’, even tried doing Edit->Save Selection 1, then doing Edit->Load Selection 1 after pressing stop …

Am I missing something? or is this not an actual functionality of Unity … cause if I can move objects around while play testing, such as fixing positioning of objects or adjusting light locations and strengths, or inspector values (speed, jump height, etc) … I’d like to be able to have these changes persist after pressing stop …


The changes are only temporary while you run the game in the Editor.
If you stop it everything (should) be reset to the state before you pressed play.

Playing in the editor is just to test things.
If you want to keep the changes memorize them and set them again when the game is stopped.

Imo that’s a good solution.

I think the ability to ‘lose’ changes is nice … so you can make quick temp changes to test things … but, at the same time, I’d like to be able to keep certain changes … such as moving lights around to fix lighting issues, or changing values in the inspector for the player … or moving objects in the level that might in an odd place for actual game play …

Anyhow, I was just wondering if there was a way to save changes made in ‘game play’ mode … guess not … ;(

theres a script called transform saver on the wiki that should do what you want, I havent used it yet so let us know how it goes?


PS1 I had trouble finding this on the index page-maybe Im just not seeing straiht?

PS2 Full praise and credit to Neil Carter for his supreme spam control. Everytime I look at the recent changes page I am astounded at the amout of work he does for the rest of us. Respect Neil.

Hrm … interesting …

Seems that, with a bit of work … it could possibly even be tweaked to save and load additional information … such as a list of components attached, and there inspector values … with more digging around …

Thanks – I wouldn’t of thought to use Editor Scripts to do this … :wink:

– Note: Does Unity support System.Reflection to pull off reflecting against the types and properties of those types … for storing component lists with properties? :slight_smile: