I would like to be able to import a piece of an existing City in Unity in 3D.
I tried Mapbox, it would be perfect but it works only with a link. This means that I can see my model only if I’m in play mode. This is a bit annoying because I have to add all kind of asets.
I wil try to explain what is that for. I’m not a game builder in the classic meaning, I’m building a kind of “serious game” about urban asset management with the goal to gather data about decision making and other management techniques. Therefore it would be perfect to be able to build it in real world cities or pieces of them.
Is there an asset or something else to be able to do this?
I’m quite new to the Unity world, so I would be grateful if somebody could point me in the right direction.
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Can you explain, what is wrong with SimCity series, CitySkyline type of city management?
What you mean by real world?
Thanks for the reply.
There is nothing wrong with those games, actually they are pretty amazing. Serious gams are something different, those games are not build for entertainment but for educational or research pourposes. If you want to read the whole definition is here:Serious game - Wikipedia.
By real world I mean places like Paris, London etc., real existing cities.
I know, there are some assets, which are recently created, to use google or similar maps. You would need to search for these topics.
Not sure however, how well they will suit your need.
If you want real cities, I’m almost certain that you’re gonna have to put all your assets in manually over a plugin that will bring in the map data (or do it yourself). If you want the full automation then it will probably be a random city layout generated. There are assets that make the broken down tasks easier, like spline tools (not a product name), water stuff, pre-built city assets, etc… Good luck, more people should make serious games.
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Thank you all fo the reply.
Ok, nothing is easy but I found a couple of pretty good assets that can ease the work. Real World Terrain can make terrains out of maps and works pretty well with EasyRoad3D to automatically add streets and BuildR for the buildings.
The downside is that is a bit expensive, but it saves a lot of work.
For the sake off science 
I’m recreating the arctic island community of Vardø using LIDAR aerial laser scan data (cost free now in Norway), processed in Lastools, and converted to .RAW heightmaps in Gdal. The resulting terrain in Unity3d is georeferenced in all 3 axes with sub-meter accuracy. It works OK now, after some trial and error, though the processing and cleaning pipe is a somewhat contorted command line batchscript. You will find good pointers regarding the nitty gritty details at the Lastools user forum over at rapidlasso.com. Good luck! I am also thinking along the lines of a serious game 
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Hi did you guys figure this out.I wanted to recommend the Blender-GIS extension for creating the terrain as well as the Mapbox SDK for Unity. I am also looking to do something to a Serious Game using Unity using those and OSM GIS data, would love to discuss it more and trade notes if anyone is interested. Thx. Chuck
CityEngine what you look for.
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You can not build a real city in untiy in an easy way.
Unity provide an area of maximum 4096m*4096m without massive visual floating point issues. The 32 bit floating point transform, also 32 bit shader, and pipeline data flow mesh vertex structures are unbreakable issues.
There are some hacks to move parts of the city into the cam area. But this cause a performance jerks and hickups.
If performance is not an issue, then Dots, texture, mesh, scene,.addressables steaming, are good lessions to start with.
** Quatum1000** i would definetly recommend CityEngine, yeah its commercial software but they give 30 days trial. Here i even written** “short” review ** and my experience with this engine.
Try CityGen3d on the asset store it’s come a long way