After six months of hard work, I am glad to present the new package from The Tales Factory**: Lands of Rascals**: Spaghetti Western Complete Pack
This pack contains all the main ingredients of the typical environment of a Spaghetti Western. You can create dusty towns and dry plains beaten so hard by the sun that only cactuses and outlaws grow there.
To design these assets, our team spent several weeks in the Spanish deserts where Sergio Leone shot his most famous movies. The plan was to scan 3D assets but also soak in this unique atmosphere and capture the essence of the place. We tasted the dust, walked where Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef and Eli Wallach once did before becoming the stuff of legend! It is now time to create your own!
This pack contains photoscanned assets like buildings, a lot of props ( Planks, barrells, skull, cemetery crosses, fences, railroads etc…), rocks, cliffs, cactus and grass, and several terrain materials ( click on the Unity asset store link to see everything). Every asset is scanned ( photogrammetry) except windmill, water towers and the prairie schooner).
Most of textures are 4K, but some props only needed 2K. Most of assets use atlases to reduce drawcalls.
All assets are low poly and most of them are LODed ( only when it need) & have colliders ( Some prefab have not, depending on your specific needs). Every asset is PBR.
Nature assets are compatible with Vegetation Studio & Vegetation Studio Pro.
Post Process effects and light settings shown in screenshots & video are provided.
If you have questions, ideas or if you need support you can do it here or threw email: