Realistic FPS Prefab [RELEASED]

I don’t know what it means either. I’m certainly not dishing out any bans. People are perfectly within their rights to complain (if it is constructive, polite and they don’t keep on doing so). Make the points, move on etc.

Depreciated assets are a normal part of life on the asset store though. And from any business. I’m sure people invested in mixamo at one point.

However I strongly recommend any depreciated assets be moved to pure open source: the author should not worry about people being pissed off if they bought it: I bought textmesh pro and now it’s part of Unity. Heck, I recommended it be part of Unity. And I paid for it.

Sometimes we pay to make something better for all of us, not just ourselves.

But I’m rambling: If an asset is depreciated, I strongly recommend github + open source like Ceto did. Why? because even though people who DID pay for it… will get community support rather than nothing at all :slight_smile:

Winner, right?

edit: made a proper post about it: Make your assets open source when you deprecate them!