Realistic rotation control

I am making 2D side-scrolling racing game. My character which is rigidbody2D moving on non-flat platform, and I applied addForce to move it. Also I figured out how to limit rotation of the character on Z-axis, but I am completely unsatisfied with the result. The problem is that when character reaches edge of the rotation limit, it just stacks at this angle and no more rotation is occured . How to return the character to its first state when its rotation is calculated by physic engine?

Thanks in advance.

void Update () 

       curAngle = rigidbody2D.rotation;

    void LimitRotation()
        if (curAngle > 45)
            rigidbody2D.rotation = 45;

        if(curAngle < - 45 )
            rigidbody2D.rotation = -45;

try changing the rigidbody2d.Addforce(force)
ur limitrotation method looks fine to me

transform.position (Vector2.right);
and check if gravity is turned on the rigidbody component