Reality Rift - New fantasy adventure game


We are young and small team (from Czech Republic), but we love games and currently we are developing our first game.
Because we are young we really appreciate your feedback to our game.

Game is named - Reality Rift: The Bloodbrothers
Genre of game is adventure fantasy.

We dont like games without story, so in our game we have really strong and good story suitable for casual and hardcore players.
And our story is told using original artworks.

Next we dont like games where is same environment for whole game, so in our game we have ~4 different environments.

Game is in 3D but camera view is like side-scroller. Every part of graphics is handcrafted.

In our game we have original composed soundtrack (teaser below) for better game experience.

We know there is two kind of players - casual and hardcore. For both of them we have special “mode” which will optimise game experience based on “kind of player”.

Game is targeted primary for iOS, Android and Windows Phone 8, but after that we want optimise game for Windows 8 and OS X.

Currently we are working on first internal alpha version and on our company web page.

Theme teaser - Stream Theme Teaser by SoulboundGames | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

Some heroes silhouettes

Teaser from in-game level

Modeling reference

I know, I did not say much, but what you think about game? :slight_smile:
We look forward to your responses!

Thank you.

I snapped screenshot from actual build, here is it

And here is one of discarded artwork

It looks great. I really like the option to switch from casual and hardcore mode.

We will implement this option, thank you for feedback!

Love the style. Great work. I took it upon myself to point out subtle fixes which you can choose to take on board.

Nice! Really thanks for your feedback! We will enhance game based on your feedback.
By the way, yeah the “ball” is test object = player.

So as I said in first post, we using artworks for story telling.
And here is one of completed artwork for preview.

Nice Art. The lines are well-defined and the scene is illustrated effectively in a monochromatic colour-scale.
Keep posting. I suggest setting up maybe something like a blog / website for the game if you haven’t done yet so you can write / upload your progress.

On another note, using the particle system, place it above and a children of the camera and tweak the particles to look like falling leaves in the foreground. You can get some really nice effects with it.
I suggest utilizing / learning techniques with the particle system if you haven’t done yet.

Remember, when coding, keep the code simple and allow easy tweak-able settings in the inspector using variables. The smaller the code (I’ve learnt), the easier it is to troubleshoot if you run into problems.

Good Luck.

Thank you! We choose this style, because artworks with more details are more time consuming, and we have many artworks in our game.

Currently we are preparing our website with blog, but main focus we have on game. But I think the website is nearly done.

Yes, we have some particle emitters for falling leaves, light effects or for fireflies, but in last ingame screenshot they are no there. I will prepare in-game screenshot with these effects.

I think our code is simple, I used to follow DRY and SOLID principles from my past programming experience. And because the others in team are not good at programming, everything is simple to use with drag and drop interface (= public properties).

Thank you and we look forward to further feedback!

I love the graphics direction! Great start!



Here’s a question, what language are you using? JS or C#

Thank you!

We use C#.

I like the concept art - the in game stuff… not so much. it looks very low contrast/dark/low poly - you could aim for something like “trine”

or indeed go the 2D route (you have a great artist(s)) so this might even be easier at this stage since not much stuff was done yet

Have you any tips how to improve in game graphics? :slight_smile: As I said, we new and we really appreciated every tip or advice for better game!
But currently we have many assets and little time, and “rewrite” game to 2D is not solution.

If you change the Camera’s FOV when the character gets hit or gains a power, it can make an awesome effect. You could either increase the polygons, increase the texture size (if possible), learn volumetric lighting (if you have a pro license, otherwise learn to make ‘fake’ ones) or, the key one, use bump maps (dedicated software which can convert regular to bump mapped).
Those are my ideas.

Thank you for tips. But increasing polygons, texture size and adding volumetric light (we have Pro) will have impact for final performance = “cut off” older Android devices. Is this good? Better graphics vs. wider target audience?

That’s usually something that only you can decide. Generally speaking, a target low-end machine will be selected and the game will be optimized to try to meet the requirements imposed by that target. So before deciding if you can add more eye candy, I’d try to get an idea of where you currently stand on performance.

That being said, I like the look of your screen shots here. They do seem a bit dark though. Ambient occlusion and a light map might help some!

Actually we have these stats on scene with water, player model and particle effects (I will post screenshot of scene):


We are trying stay around ~100 draw calls. This is first environment - dark forest and yes is it little bit dark on devices.
We will try add light maps and apply others tips.

Thank for advices and feedback, we really appreciate that!