So I’ve been working a (long) while on a system for Unity that Does Everything At Runtime, in which a single, empty scene is provisioned on-the-fly with content (pics, text, audio, video, .objs, asset bundles, etc…) and all behaviors and logic configured on demand at runtime, rather than buildtime. That’s right, instead of doing things as the Unity Gods intended, happily importing all the things into a project and wiring it up in the sweet IDE, easily testing and quickly iterating on behaviors, and when everything is perfect, squeezing out monolithic builds, I had the perverse and naive idea to do it the exact opposite way - to EXPORT everything, decouple content and code completely, and treat the Unity scene like a single-page webapp. This approach lets you link heterogenous scenes together, and instantly publish and update them, just like web pages. Which is super cool! - here’s the showcase app company page with more details (no real docs yet, working on it…)
I have a series of apps teed up to publish with the system, for music, education, real estate, shopping, journalism/legal/medical, which was the point of building this - to be prolific but maintainable. There’s only a single project and a single scene with code, all the content and config is managed in the cloud. The backend is node + mongo, running load balanced at AWS, and all files are stored in s3, served with signed urls. Multiplayer is coming, via websocket, still testing.
Anyway, I’ll update this thread as I go, and I’d value any feedback or questions from the community.