really basic camera animation problem

I know I must be doing something really obviously wrong but I can’t for the life of me figure this out. Every time I try to rotate the camera in the negative direction the amount is always subtracted from 360 and so the camera rotates completely around to arrive at the desired rotation angle. I guess the rotation ends up being absolute instead of relative to the current amount.


keyframe at start with 0,0,0 for all angles
keyframe at 60 samples say -10,0,0 the actual value in the curve ends up being 350,0,0

I tried messing with the interpolation but none of the choices work correctly though quaternion seems close but it does a weird bouncy thing between the values (really bad description I know).

Everything works fine in the positive direction. Tried deleting camera and starting from scratch with camera and animator from scratch no luck.

Arghhh!!! Having the same issue

This is normal behaviour for quaternions. The quaternion doesn’t know about rotations outside of a full circle.

There was a bug with the rotations being stuck in 0…360, it should have been fixed now. What version are you using?

Running 5.3.5f1