REBEL FLEET SHIPS now Available on the Asset Store.

The New REBEL FLEET SHIPS are now available to buy on the Asset store or directly from our website:-

If you have specific asset request, send us an email or leave some feedback.

Thanks for your comments and support.

Tiger Shark Studios.

I like your models, but as yhou are asking for feedback, i would say that the cockpit area on them all seems too large, especially the last pic. I think the models will look a lot better with this area smaller


It’s nice to see some more spaceships available, but I wish they weren’t so cartoonish looking.

No, i think thats the great part about these ships - being in that style. They are quite unique looking

Unique, yes… but there is an utter lack of “serious” sci-fi spaceships available on the asset store. :slight_smile:

Why not get the one i posted?

Different topic altogether – I assume you mean your “Zerious Scout Ship”? It does look great, but that’s just one ship, and here I’m talking about what’s visible in the “3d Models → Vehicles → Space” section.

See this page for what I mean by “serious”:

You mean larger ships, ive got a collection of those coming out shortly, including a huge base ship with connectable interior


Sweet :slight_smile: I’ll keep an eye out.

Thanks for the feedback guys. We do create assets that are requested, We actually have a large database of unpublished assets that would fit
multiple styles and genres.

Please feel free to post comments on our website via our comments section.

Tiger Shark Studios

Why not buy my spaceships :slight_smile:

Good models, looking very nice. But maybe a bit too stylish to compare with other models.
But we all have our own style…

keep up the good work.

Lol Yes I did chuckle at the “Why not buy my spaceships” post too.

@Phex. Thanks for the support. Yep lots of choice on the site which is good. Plenty of scope for all.
We will keep producing models.


Tiger Shark