Receipts cannot be restore when Initialize

When I trying to make a purchase in android, it fails with a message that it is “ItemAlreadyOwned”.

onPurchaseFailedEvent(productId:{productId} message: - Google BillingResponseCode = ItemAlreadyOwned)

But when I receive a receipt when UnityPurchasing.Initialize, it says there is none reciept.

int GetHaveRecieptCount()
        Product[] prds = storeController.products.all;
        int hasReceiptCnt = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < prds.Length; i++)
        {  if (prds[i].hasReceipt && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(prds[i].receipt))
        return hasReceiptCnt;

I call this function after OnInitialized, it return 0.

However, if I disable the Play Store app and then enable it, you will successfully receive a receipt during initialization.

Can I get a receipt without reactivating the play store app?