Receive a activity result from android plugin need sublcass both Unity Activity?

Unity have 3 activity classes, UnityPlayerProxyActivity that initialize UnityPlayerActivity or UnityPlayerNativeActivity depending of device support.

I am invoking UnityPlayer.currentActivity.startIntentSenderForResult, the only way that a found to access the result is by overriding Activity.onActivityResult.

I really need to subclass both UnityPlayerActivity and UnityPlayerNativeActivity to override onActivityResult? Or someone know a better way?

After some tests…

If I really want to make things the same as unity3d, I need to override all 3 classes. But it is safe to override only UnityPlayerNativeActivity because the other classes are compatibility stuff.

Now about ActivityResult. There is only two ways, by override the method and by registring a receiver ( ). But receiver need some more complicate stuff to bind it to your app, or you will start to receive others events even with your app turned off.