Received a warning from Apple - ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage


I’ve recently received a warning from apple after uploading by build to the App Store:

Googling this issue revealed that people started receiving emails with this warning only a couple days ago, seems like some kind of automatic check was added for this kind of issue.

The problem is, I don’t explicitly use WebView in my game and I have no idea what exactly may be using it. I’ve made a full search through the C# code but didn’t find anything suspicious.

Looking through the generated ObjC code revealed some lines like these (I am using Unity 2018.3.0f2) in Bulk_Stores_0.cpp:

// System.Void UnityEngine.Purchasing.PayMethod::showPayWebView(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)
extern "C" IL2CPP_METHOD_ATTR void PayMethod_showPayWebView_{...} (String_t* ___paymentURL0, String_t* ___authGlobal1, String_t* ___transactionId2, String_t* ___hashKey3, String_t* ___customID4, const RuntimeMethod* method);


// System.Void UnityEngine.Purchasing.MoolahStoreImpl::ClosePayWebView(System.String)
extern "C" IL2CPP_METHOD_ATTR void MoolahStoreImpl_ClosePayWebView_m69321FE5F49ACE555849E874F046FE212CC71C2B (MoolahStoreImpl_{...} * __this, String_t* ___result0, const RuntimeMethod* method)

Which makes me think that Unity IAP module utilizes WebView somehow.

Is there anything that could be done about this? I am really worried that Apple Will just reject the app.

Just in case here’s the list of mobile-related libraries that I’m using:

  1. Easy Mobile Pro (contains a wrapper for Unity IAP)
  2. Nice Vibrations (I don’t think it’s related)
  3. Virtual Plug And Play Joystick (I don’t think it’s related, although this asset already surprised me by adding location request to my app, so I had to modify the source code; any way it does not seem to have any native code, so I doubt it’s related)

No, I don’t believe IAP is using webview, we have heard of no other reports of this. The code you referenced is for the Moolah Store. Are you targeting Cloud Moolah or iOS/Android? Update: It looks like Unity Ads may be using the webview, we are looking into it.