I’ve recently received a warning from apple after uploading by build to the App Store:
Googling this issue revealed that people started receiving emails with this warning only a couple days ago, seems like some kind of automatic check was added for this kind of issue.
The problem is, I don’t explicitly use WebView in my game and I have no idea what exactly may be using it. I’ve made a full search through the C# code but didn’t find anything suspicious.
Looking through the generated ObjC code revealed some lines like these (I am using Unity 2018.3.0f2) in Bulk_Stores_0.cpp:
// System.Void UnityEngine.Purchasing.PayMethod::showPayWebView(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)
extern "C" IL2CPP_METHOD_ATTR void PayMethod_showPayWebView_{...} (String_t* ___paymentURL0, String_t* ___authGlobal1, String_t* ___transactionId2, String_t* ___hashKey3, String_t* ___customID4, const RuntimeMethod* method);
// System.Void UnityEngine.Purchasing.MoolahStoreImpl::ClosePayWebView(System.String)
extern "C" IL2CPP_METHOD_ATTR void MoolahStoreImpl_ClosePayWebView_m69321FE5F49ACE555849E874F046FE212CC71C2B (MoolahStoreImpl_{...} * __this, String_t* ___result0, const RuntimeMethod* method)
Which makes me think that Unity IAP module utilizes WebView somehow.
Is there anything that could be done about this? I am really worried that Apple Will just reject the app.
Just in case here’s the list of mobile-related libraries that I’m using:
- Easy Mobile Pro (contains a wrapper for Unity IAP)
- Nice Vibrations (I don’t think it’s related)
- Virtual Plug And Play Joystick (I don’t think it’s related, although this asset already surprised me by adding location request to my app, so I had to modify the source code; any way it does not seem to have any native code, so I doubt it’s related)