hey guys,
I’m using a camera for core gameplay based around Recenter To Target Heading to always slide into place behind the character. This is on a Free Look Camera.

Now I have my dynamic cutscenes spawn a timeline with other vcams and enable / disable them to create this dynamic moment anywhere in the world. BUT when i transition out (deactivate the other cameras then eventaully delete them), the Heading never functions again on the original camera. But I’ve touched nothing about that camera that whole time. I’m so confused. Is there anything I should know about this Heading, anyway through script to force it to work again?
heres a video. You can see it smoothly follows before. Then i use other vcams, then it never works again.

Can I see the full inspector for the FreeLook in question? And also the inspector for the brain after the heading stops working.
here is a vid of it ocurring with the free look:
and here is it ocurring inspecting the brain:
Well, it’s very strange, I’ve never seen anything like that before. I can see that the Y axis is still moving on the freeLook, but not the x axis. You can try to narrow it down by putting dome debug logs in the FreeLook, to monitor the axes. What happens it you set both axes to have the Y input name? Do they both move then? What happens if you turn off the recentering?
The only solution Ive found is to disable to the gameobject running that freelook and re-enable it. It creates a pop, but then the heading starts working again.
there must be a script call to like re-setup the camera i can call maybe?
my solution to this btw if anyone hits this problem. call this when you need to “reset”:
public void Wiggle(){
Invoke(“WigglePt2”, .001f);
void WigglePt2(){
and it all fixes itself