Recently Released iPhone OS Update...Safe?

Alright I read what I could here on issues people were having with the iPhone OS 3.1; now that the latest version is out (MMS yay!), I was hoping if I could learn if it’s safe to update or should I stick with OS 3.0 until Unity 1.5.1 comes out?

I understand that at the time Unity 1.5 was being tested, it was on OS 3.0, and that there could be problems with OS 3.1 (again only what I’ve been trying to gather reading here on the forums).

What is the official standing on OS 3.1 with regards to Unity 1.5?



I don’t know about the official standing but I will tell you that it works for me when I set the Device to 3.0 in XCode. It only fails if I set it to 3.1 (my test devices are on 3.1.)

Hmmm…has that been the case then? That 3.1 is not compiling but otherwise 3.0 is fine ON a 3.1 device? Then yea that should be okay…

Thanks Lost


It compiles but fails when set to 3.1 even though my device is a 3.1 device. When I set it to a 3.0 device for compiling and running it works just fine.

Sorry bad phrasing on my part…

…are other people having this same issue; in other words IS this the problem with the current build of Unity on 3.1 devices? If so great, otherwise you might have simply been fortunate in getting it to run; an anomaly.

I’d hate to find out that in fact the issue is with OS 3.1 regardless of build…

Thanks Lost. :slight_smile:


I don’t have issues with iPhone OS 3.1 and latest SDK for OS 10.5. Also I don’t get any linker errors when compiling for OS 3.1 under OS 10.5 (that folks with OS 10.6 experience sometimes).
So my verdict would be “OS 3.1 shouldn’t affect your Unity iPhone 1.5 experience”.


…jeez imagine I end up being one of those with the problems GAH!!! :smile:

Thanks to the both of you!


God I hate to be paranoid (you can thank the women in my life) BUT…

…all is well…

…Mac OS 1.5.8 + Xcode 3.1.4 + iPhone OS 3.1 = success.

I will say though I get a lot of .framework “warnings?”. It still builds and plays correctly but what are these exactly?

In red under Unity-iPhone




Never mind about the warnings…my Base SDK was set to 2.0.

NOW all is really very well. :smile:


congratz :wink:

Thanks Woz :smile: