Recomendation for cross platform leaderboard

I would like to add a Daily Rank to my game. Actually it implements Google Play Games and Game Center leaderboards but it’s not cross platform and nobody uses it nowadays.

Just want to save the user info (name, country) and a score to build the leaderboard. The leaderboard should reset everyday at a certain hour so the top player could be rewarded in some way.

Any advice? I started this morning with Firebase but is a real PITA. I’m looking now Gamesparks and Playfab.

PlayFab is great, possibly the easiest tool I’ve used


I have been taking a tour and is quite easy, but the pricing is really expensive: 0.008$ per user.

If I would use other features like Real Time Multiplayer, Cloud, etc. it would be a nice deal, but I want only the leaderboard part. My game have about 170.000 MAU so the costs will raise a lot!

Any other alternatives?

Why just not use simplistic DB like SQL, and having just single master application online, which deals with resets and rewarding?

Please, could you give me more details about this? I have been looking for this all day but I am totally confused about what would be the best solution.

I have asked some contacts whose job is developing web services mainly and one of them recommended redis while another one proposed mongodb.

Today I tested and seems fine to me, pretty easy to use. The bad part it doesn’t provide any way to reward the user nor reset periodically the leaderboard (it is still too good to be free).

I’d go with dresmlo, it’s pretty basic and easy to setup.

Personally I wouldn’t be relying on some third party rewarding services.
It is very project specific thing. Rewards are depending on what game needs.

Basically hat I suggest, is to have SQL data base on server. There is plenty of free available, with some nice features. I.e. You can install own PHP MySQL server on your own PC for testing.

Then each client communicates with DB via PHP. PhP will do basics safety checks and validations etc.
Then you have two option for rewarding.

Either have separate app which deals with checks, communicating with DB on server. Or have simply PHP scripts, which takes checks matter in own hand, when client log in after day pas.

In either case, you would need to know / learn some basics DB and PHP. The are not that difficult, for basics needs.