Unfortunately you can’t have seamless transition from a sunny scene to a dark interior.
You can get close with careful exposure management, and light baking, but usually it will still look off. The issues that pop are one, or multiple of the following:
While in the dark interior, the exterior becomes far too bright.
Vice versa, while outside, interior looks darker then it should be.
You can also place local volumes around your interiors, if you’d rather use fixed exposure.
Unity doesn’t have local tone mapping, so it’s a tough challenge.
Although if you’re not using aces tone mapping, but something like neutral without increasing the contrast, this becomes somewhat easier to achieve.
indoor scenes:
I know this is against your requirements, but thought I’d mention it for other users
Another idea is to hide all your interiors in different scenes behind doors, you can make it so they’re always loaded, and so when the player clicks on the door it will almost instantly transition to the interior without any loading wait times.
doing a slow(1s~)screen transition to black and then transition back to the world, just to hide the player teleportation/scene change.
Exiting will also be instant. Only issue is it’s not really seamless anymore, maybe less immersion and slightly different level design. You can still fake windows with some tricks though, but it won’t look as good as actual windows.
A bonus is it’ll be easy to lightmap, and you won’t have to design correct building interiors
Light baking & time of day:
Your only chance of correct lighting with a time of day system is either enlighten, or APV.
Enlighten could be an issue if your map is big.
APV gives alright results, It’s gotten a lot better and you should at minimum use 2022.2 for APV, most likely will receive more improvements in 2023, so it could be very viable as full baked lighting replacement but currently there are some challenges:
for static small props it does very well – but if you want it to replace all objects, and make it act as a lightmapper replacement there will be some issues.
First is possible noise on big objects, things like walls could sometimes be problematic. It’s also in general not as clean as a lightmap, there can be some noise on the ground sometimes for example.
Second is light leaking, this has also gotten a lot better in 2022 thanks to many new improvements & anti-leak features, but it’s still not perfect, on the plus side you can use custom APV volumes to manually remove light leaking so this might not be a big issue depending on your project.
Third is GI/occlusion quality, it’s not up to lightmap standards, as a light probe system it’s good but as a lightmap replacement It struggles a bit.
APV isn’t intended as a lightmap replacement as stated by the developers, but maybe 2023 improvements will be a game changer
And currently it does a far better job than the old light probe system, not even comparable.
I think the lerp system for APV landed in 2022.2 but I’m not 100% sure about that.
One cool thing is you can have different APV volumes scattered around, so for your exterior world you can have very few probes, but have a bunch of APV volumes around buildings/interiors with a lot more probes, more dense for better quality. Otherwise it would be a challenge to get good enough quality.
If you break away from realistic lighting values, you can get interesting results with a fixed exposure. (fixed exposure set to 0)
They’ll be magical numbers, not based on real lighting values (similar to URP/built-in), you’ll have to do a good amount of experimentation but the positive is you won’t have exposure transitions at all, which can sometimes (to me) can be annoying.