I am looking for a cross-platform leaderboard asset any recommendation?
I have SQL database that I can use
I am looking for a cross-platform leaderboard asset any recommendation?
I have SQL database that I can use
What exactly do you need to know?
If you have a standalone database it is cross platform by default, right?
Playfab supports leaderboards and works with any platform.
+1 for playfab
Hey, yes its cross-platform by default but I can’t really find an asset that supports database
Just about every company that provides a service including a leaderboard will handle their own databases. If you have a requirement that you use your own database you’re going to have to build the leaderboard system yourself.
Been using Playfab for years. it’s decent. Failing that, there’s Combu on the asset store, i set that up on my Synology server too. It’s also fine.
With Playfab you can add a service layer (Azure Functions), and in turn your service layer can talk to a database on Azure (or anywhere).
If you just need leaderboards they have this built in, and you don’t need a ‘database’.
Guys I need it working also for Switch and PS5, is that good?