Recompile After Finished Playing is missing in Preference

Hi. I found that Unity 2022.2.0b7 does not have “Recompile After Finished Playing” option in Preference window anymore. It only has “Recompile And Continue Playing” and “Stop Playing And Recompile”.

It is very annoying and I hope that it is simply bug, not intended changes.

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Nevermind. It was duplicated issue.

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Ok, that works (for me after Unity-Restart) but still you need to leave unity and then refocus for the recompilation to trigger. I guess they need to add a “modification”-check after stop to get the old behaviour back… but I can live with that. :+1:

But to be honest, I really had to laugh hard on reading that “Recompile after stop” was “…depricated to it not working as intended”. For us it worked as intended. Would be interesting to see what didn’t work well in their eyes… Funny as this was one of the few(!) ‘new’ features I really celebrated when it was integrated…

And I wonder if the default “Recompile and Continue”-Feature works as intended at all!? On some cases for sure but on a lot(!) cases not. I would say on every real project…But I might be wrong. At least for our projects it never worked and resulted in breaking everything (which makes sense, as hotreloading is a complicated thing to make it work)


I found another issue.
If you using Preferences → Asserts Pipeline → Enabled Outside Playmode, it prevent refreshing other asset changes too, like texture, shader and so on. We need only throttling script compilation when playing mode, not all assets. Shader or Texture hot reloading works without any problem and we absolutely need it, but not for script.

It has obviously become more inconvenient.

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Hot reload worked perfectly as intended, there was absolutely no need to remove the option. The option was extremely helpful and important!

Could they maybe have simply marked the option (depreciate) instead of completely removing it without notice.

Whoever wrote that response couldn’t spell:

Why is such a important issue being dismissed in such a apathetic way? This basically ruins productivity in Unity and they can’t even spell depreciated correctly much less give a genuine reason for this change…

You neither can spell deprecated correctly. How is your self-owning going today?

I am not a representative of Unity, spelling is not important and not relevant to the actual issue.

Unity deprecated “Recompile After Finished Playing” and it depreciated the productivity of the editor.

finding their recommended solution is not workable and is adding time and complexity to development cycle, thanks for understanding. :slight_smile: