Alright. I’m warning you, this is going to be a rant. And an open letter to the developers of Unity.
That thing I brought up in the opening post is merely a symptom.
The problem is that almost none of you guys are working on very large AA or AAA games using your own engine (Unity). That is the crux of the issue.
And I’m not talking about making impressive demos, which are basically cinematic sequences destined to prove to the world that Unity can do amazing graphics. You know what? You’ve already proven this a couple of years ago.
What you have NOT yet proven, however, is that Unity is designed for top-notch development of rather large and demanding games (and yes I’m including Ghost of a Tale in this).
What you’re missing is the deep seamless experience that a game is expected to be nowadays. It’s not just about the visuals (I can’t believe I’m saying that) on a 50m by 50m with baked static effects that can have no real application in an actual interactive production where the camera could be anywhere at any time.
If you guys had to live through the actual realities that teams like ours are living through on a daily basis you would go “wait that’s crazy we should address that”. We have to wait almost thirty seconds every time we need to make a small code change and test it in-game. Now multiply this by a hundred times or more during the day.
The Unreal Engine can enter game mode almost instantly. But you know what it doesn’t have? The elegance and ease of use of Unity. The Unreal Engine is a work horse that’s designed from the ground up to be a powerful game engine. Unity is much more user-friendly but it’s also trying to be many things to many people.
When you guys make demos on stages around the world or show off the engine to students, the issues of inefficiency and time-wasting are never broached because on such a small level they almost don’t register. But do you want Unity to keep being considered an entry-level engine in the game industry because of this? By all means if you’re satisfied with that state of things then fine, I’m the fool for not understanding that sooner.
I want to keep using Unity. But you guys need to take the needs of producing larger games into account. All of your users will eventually benefit from it.
Now Lukasz, I thank you for your reply. But there should not have to be a “voting” on that issue. This is not a matter of opinion and even less a popularity contest. Please, do bring this up to your management and hopefully they’ll realize a fundamental shift in priorities needs to happen at some point.