Recorder/Videos Crashing Editor

Recorder is always crashing the editor when i try to use it. I try to record, crash. I try to play a video through the Video Player, crash. I need to create/record a gif to be able to post a visual in Unity Discussions to display the issue I am having with a developers asset. I was using version 2020.3 before, and that recorded and played video just fine with the Unity Recorder. However, 2020.3 Recorder does not allow creating gifs and I could not post a mp4 in Unity Discussions. I updated to 2022.3 to be able to create a gif in Recorder, so that I can post visual issues in Discussions, but I cannot. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi @mstewart52178,

Does this also happen on an empty project ?
What is your OS and version ?

Please confirm the version of Recorder you are using.

As your use case might not need to have Unity creating the GIF, a workaround would be to use a third party tool to capture the gif.