Recources.Load working fine in one method but not in the other?

I have two identical methods in the SAME file with UnityEngine imported

public void Init(Item item)
        title.text =;
        png.sprite = Recources.Load<Sprite>(item.icon);
        intro.text = item.description;

    public void RefreshUI(Item item)
        title.text =;
        png.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>(item.icon);
        intro.text = item.description;

Unity keep displaying “The name ‘Recources’ does not exist” but I do have a file named Resources under Assets. Moreover, when I commend the line “png.sprite = Recources.Load(item.icon);” in Init(), the code works totally fine.
Since Init() isn’t needed anymore, this is not a big problem.
However, I’m just curious WHY this would happen???

It probably fails on both, the compiler sometimes won’t report all errors in a file, only the first few it finds.