Recreatable incorrect raycast miss on capsule collider

Just for fun, have you tried different Physics.Raycast(...) overloads?

@Senshi - Not different overloads, but all these: Physics.Raycast, Physics.RaycastAll, Physics.RaycastNonAlloc, PhysicsScene.Raycast

Are rays has the same crossing Point? Is it a upper sphere center?

@szynal - They all intersect the edge between the lower hemisphere and cylinder body. I have a photo in the original post to show this.

If you have not yet submitted a bug report, please do so.

@Arithmetica - Yep, have done.

Make a blank project, type in your numbers, report it.

@Kurt-Dekker - I have submitted a report through Unity with the contents of the zip above, additionally I have linked in the report status page back to this discussion thread as I have found more info since. Hope this is enough.

More so if anyone is really concerned about this bug, it should mean you could augment the capsule with additional 2 spheres.

@Noisecrime - That is one solution. I have done only simple checks but only adding the top sphere should be necessary, the rays correctly hit the bottom hemisphere.


Update, my bug report has been confirmed by Unity and given an internal ID.


Just stumbled across this question. I just like to add that about 13 years ago we had this funny bug. As I looked up the question I noticed that all of my links were dead -.- I uploaded the images properly this time and relinked the project zip. I have no idea if the bug was actually fixed. However in the past this bug only happened when the capsule was rotates exactly 90° on the x axis. Then it started to mess up it’s internal transform, somehow.

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Forgot to add the public issue tracker link.