Recreate Enviroment from photo

Im a beginner and I have a game idea in which the player has to recreate a scene (given by an image) by moving the objects that are there (disorganized). I have no idea how I can make that system. I would like to add a precision system since the objects will not be placed under a grid. How can I make unity compare the two? Thank you!

A simple solution: for each object, attach a script and use a Vector3 variable that stores where the object is supposed to be according to the image; for the precision system, create a script that stores the list of objects and a method that sums up the distances between the objects’ supposed position and actual position. The lower the result is, the more precise the recreation is.

For example, this is what the script for objects looks like:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class ArrangedObject : MonoBehaviour
    // Stores where the object is supposed to be
    // Refer to the image and assign the proper value in the editor
    public Vector3 targetPosition;

And this is what the precision system looks like:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PrecisionSystem : MonoBehaviour
    // Assign the list of all objects here
    public List<ArrangedObject> arrangedObjects;

    float CalculatePrecision()
        float inaccuracy = 0f;

        foreach (var arrangedObject in arrangedObjects)
            inaccuracy += Vector3.Distance(arrangedObject.targetPosition, arrangedObject.transform.position);

       // This method returns a lower value when the recreation is more precise; you can use some algorithm you prefer to convert it to accuracy value
        return inaccuracy;