Recreating the Chrome WebLabs Site

Hi people,

Hi, I’m a newbie to Unity. Thanks for the neat and clean Documentation provided by the team.

Here is my problem statement:

I recently passed by the chrome web labs which was created long back by google. I loved the template and wanted to re-create the same using Unity.

I tried out to move the objects in a sine wave and all the other way I could. But I could not get the same effect.

So theses are my questions!

  1. Is this the correct place to raise this type of question or should it be raised in other division of Unity Forum?
  2. Is it easily possible to re-create the same using unity when compard to using html5?
  3. If we can develop the same using Unity, where should can we start with ?

If anybody could shed some light, that would be really grateful!



Do you just want to have objects moving like those,
or create actual webpage using unity webgl export?

If you want to create website/webpage, shouldn’t really use unity for that, the webgl player is quite heavy…
Just use normal html+js+three.js or others to create it.

If you want to move objects like those, check the page sources,
seems to be using some kind of Boids/flocking script… you can do that in unity also.

Thanks mGear for the reply!

I wanted to use the template of objects flocking around and port the same into different operating system as standalone applications. So the focus is not on the weboutput. Pardon me if the word “recreate” confused things.

I did check out moving objects like

It does not give the effect of Z-axis, in which the objects just plainly moves in the ohter x and y direction.

Anyway let me browse and find out if script is available. Meanwhile if there is already existing scripts you have passed by, could you please share it here.


Check here also,✓&q=unity+boids

Thanks once again for the quick response mGear! :slight_smile: