RectsOverlap - How can I implement this in 2d for moving cubes?

My game is based on moving cubes within a level. I don’t want to use the built-in physics system but instead use some kind of rectangles-overlap method/function to determine collisions.

My question is, what would be the most efficient way to implement this using c#?

If you’re in 2D the Rect class already implements Overlap for you.

If you’re in 3D it’s an easy enough function to rewrite: you just check the axes and give up as soon as one min is greater than a max, or one max is less than a min.

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I think all of this assumes that the rectangles cannot rotate though. If they can rotate it’s a different story. E.g. it’s really easy as long as your rects/boxes are axis-aligned.

i think once there’s rotation involved it gets a lot hairier.

No rotation. I just need each cube gameobject to use a Rects-overlap.

It’s been a while not touching c#, or unity. Can anyone offer an example, please, on how to set this up?