RectTransform Anchor gizmos missing

So I’m using Unity 5.5.2f1 and can’t figure out how to make the anchor gizmos show. I’ve tried various solutions in the answered questions here, from 2d-3d toggle to anything else i could find from 2015 and 2016.

I’m at a loss. Help.


OK, so the anchor gizmos reappeared, all i’ve done was to start my machine when i got into work this morning. Seems like a machine restart was what it required.

Changing the Layout worked for me.

In Inspector (Click 3 dots), check if Debug is checked. Click Normal to get it back.

None of the suggestions above are working

This might sound obvious, but click the word “Gizmos”. It’s hard to tell sometimes if it’s on or off, and when it’s off you can still see things like the blue dots.

Changing Layout might work because the Gizmos button is on in that layout.