RectTransform.GetWorldCorners() results are not consistent between PC and Mobile

Hello everyone,

I am trying to make a UI that is above all of other UI, for both Overlay or World space UIs. So, I get GetWorldCorners(), then, if the source is a World UI, I correct this by using camera WorldToScreenPoint() transformation matrix. Then I scale the RectTransforms in the Upper UI according to these corners.

In Mobile, this have given me what I wanted, in PC, if any resolution other than 1980 x 1080, which is the reference resolution of Canvases in the game, the results aren’t consistent.

The same happens when using Aspect ratio for the “Game” tap in Unity, but if I use a set resolution, instead of a ratio, the results are exactly what I want, same as in mobile.

Correct Scaling

Wrong Scaling

Correct Scaling

Wrong Scaling

Finally, this is the code I use for scalling:

private void LateUpdate ()
        if (refRectTransform == null)

        //var cornerPoints = new Vector3[4];

        minCorner = (refUsesWorldSpace)? (Vector3)RectTransformUtility.WorldToScreenPoint(levelCamera, cornerPoints[0]) : cornerPoints[0];
        maxCorner = (refUsesWorldSpace)? (Vector3)RectTransformUtility.WorldToScreenPoint(levelCamera, cornerPoints[2]) : cornerPoints[2];

        newPos = (minCorner + maxCorner) / 2 + (Vector3)positionOffset;
        newPos.z = 0;

        rectTransform.position = newPos;
        rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2((maxCorner.x - minCorner.x), (maxCorner.y - minCorner.y)) + addSize;

Thank you for your time

I’ve been getting differing results for GetWorldCorners depending on if I call it in Update or LateUpdate. I think it might have something to do with the layout component.