RectTransform's anchor doesn't works after reactivation of gameObject

After upgrading to Unity version 5.5.1f from 5.4.1f got a bug:

I have a UI with elements, anchored to sides and corners of canvas.
If I hide an element by:


and after


element appears at canvas center. In editor (“Scene” window) I checked it’s position - it’s OK, according to anchor. But sprite image placed at canvas center!
If after this, element is updated or canvas size is changed - elements return to their anchored positions.
There are two screens below, after activation of gameObject and after canvas resize (it must looks so from beginning):

How can I fix it?

Well, i’m stuck with the same thing which have never faced before. Got Unity 2017.1.0f3 aboard. Have you managed to deal with this bizarre bug? Anyone?