Recursive call. BCE0044: unexpected char: 0xFFFD

Hi folks.

I'm trying to do a recursive function, and I found some thing really weird. So here his my question, Am I doing something that should not be done in javascript ?

In that case, everything is ok :

function recursive(x : int) : int
    return (x == 1 ? 10 : recursive(x-1));
    //return (x == 1 ? 10 : recursive(x  1));      

Then, if I do like this, I get "BCE0044: unexpected char: 0xFFFD" :

function recursive(x : int) : int
    //return (x == 1 ? 10 : recursive(x-1));
    return (x == 1 ? 10 : recursive(x  1));        

I'm going crazy or what ?

Seems to be a compiler error, you should bug report it

Until it's fixed, this'll solve it:

var ret : int = (x == 1 ? 10 : recursive(x - 1));
return ret;