RedBall Not moving around the Blobs

Hi guys, I’ve encounterd a problem where the redBall does not appear on the screen (not moving around the blobs):
Here is the code

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.UnityUtils;
using OpenCVForUnity.ImgprocModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.VideoModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.VideoioModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.Features2dModule;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;

public class OpticalFlowWithBlobDetection : MonoBehaviour
    public RawImage opticalFlowRawImage; // UI RawImage to display the optical flow visualization
    public RawImage blobRawImage; // UI RawImage to display the blob detection visualization
    public GameObject redBall; // Reference to your red ball GameObject

    private VideoCapture capture;
    private Mat prevGray;
    private MatOfKeyPoint keypoints;
    private SimpleBlobDetector detector;
    private bool isBlobDetectionDone = false;

    private Vector3 v3GazePosition;
    private float lookIKWeight;

    void Start()
        capture = new VideoCapture(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/videoEASports.mp4");
        if (!capture.isOpened())
            Debug.LogError("Error: Couldn't open the video file.");

        prevGray = new Mat(); // Initialize the previous grayscale frame

        // Create blob detector
        SimpleBlobDetector_Params parameters = new SimpleBlobDetector_Params();
        parameters.minThreshold = 50;
        parameters.maxThreshold = 220;
        parameters.filterByArea = true;
        parameters.minArea = 1500;
        detector = SimpleBlobDetector.create(parameters);


    private IEnumerator ComputeOpticalFlowAndBlobDetection()
        Mat frame = new Mat(); // Initialize a new Mat object to store the current frame
        while (true)
  ; // Read a frame from the camera
            if (frame.empty()) yield return null; // Return if the frame is empty

            // Convert the frame to grayscale
            Mat gray = new Mat();
            Imgproc.cvtColor(frame, gray, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

            if (prevGray.empty())
                prevGray = gray.clone(); // Copy the grayscale frame to prevGray if it's empty
                yield return null;

            // Compute the dense optical flow
            Mat flow = new Mat();
            Video.calcOpticalFlowFarneback(prevGray, gray, flow, 0.5, 3, 15, 3, 5, 1.2, 0);

            // Visualization of optical flow
            Mat flowVis = DrawOpticalFlow(flow);
            Texture2D opticalFlowTexture = new Texture2D(flowVis.cols(), flowVis.rows(), TextureFormat.RGB24, false); // Create a new Texture2D object
            Utils.matToTexture2D(flowVis, opticalFlowTexture); // Convert the Mat object to Texture2D
            opticalFlowRawImage.texture = opticalFlowTexture; // Set the RawImage texture to display the optical flow visualization

            // Detect blobs if it's not done yet
            if (!isBlobDetectionDone)
                keypoints = new MatOfKeyPoint();
                detector.detect(frame, keypoints);
                isBlobDetectionDone = true;

                // Update red ball position and movement based on blob position

            // Visualization of blob detection
            Mat blobImage = new Mat();
            Features2d.drawKeypoints(flowVis, keypoints, blobImage, new Scalar(0, 255, 0), Features2d.DrawMatchesFlags_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS);
            Texture2D blobTexture = new Texture2D(blobImage.cols(), blobImage.rows(), TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
            Utils.matToTexture2D(blobImage, blobTexture);
            blobRawImage.texture = blobTexture;

            prevGray = gray.clone(); // Update prevGray with the current grayscale frame
            yield return null;

    protected virtual Mat DrawOpticalFlow(Mat flow)
        List<Mat> flow_parts = new List<Mat>(2);
        Core.split(flow, flow_parts);
        Mat magnitude = new Mat();
        Mat angle = new Mat();
        Mat magn_norm = new Mat();
        Core.cartToPolar(flow_parts[0], flow_parts[1], magnitude, angle, true);
        Core.normalize(magnitude, magn_norm, 0.0f, 1.0f, Core.NORM_MINMAX);
        angle *= ((1f / 360f) * (180f / 255f));
        // Build hsv image
        Mat hsv = new Mat();
        Mat hsv8 = new Mat();
        Mat flowVis = new Mat();
        List<Mat> _hsv = new List<Mat>(new Mat[3]);
        _hsv[0] = angle;
        _hsv[1] = Mat.ones(angle.size(), CvType.CV_32F);
        _hsv[2] = magn_norm;
        Core.merge(_hsv, hsv);
        hsv.convertTo(hsv8, CvType.CV_8U, 255.0);
        Imgproc.cvtColor(hsv8, flowVis, Imgproc.COLOR_HSV2BGR);
        return flowVis;
    private void UpdateRedBallPosition(MatOfKeyPoint keypoints)
        KeyPoint[] points = keypoints.toArray();
        if (points.Length > 0)
            // Find the nearest blob to the red ball
            KeyPoint nearestBlob = FindNearestBlob(points);
            Vector3 newPosition = new Vector3((float), (float), 0f);
            redBall.transform.position = newPosition;

    private KeyPoint FindNearestBlob(KeyPoint[] blobs)
        KeyPoint nearestBlob = blobs[0];
        float minDistance = Vector2.Distance(new Vector2((float), (float), new Vector2(redBall.transform.position.x, redBall.transform.position.y));

        foreach (KeyPoint blob in blobs)
            float distance = Vector2.Distance(new Vector2((float), (float), new Vector2(redBall.transform.position.x, redBall.transform.position.y));
            if (distance < minDistance)
                nearestBlob = blob;
                minDistance = distance;

        return nearestBlob;

    void OnDestroy()
        capture.release(); // Release the VideoCapture object when the script is destroyed

Hmm I would start by Debug.Log(newPosition); after line 130.

It should help you answer some questions like:

What is the newPosition that is being chosen for the redBall on 130?
Is newPosition what you expected and correct?
Is UpdateRedBallPosition on 123 running?
If the function is running on 123 is there something wrong the points array on 125 eg is it empty?
If the function isn’t running, is there something wrong with the if block on 78?
Is 78 ever being entered?
Did you maybe set isBlobDetectionDone to true in in the insector that’s preventing it from running?

Trace it back one step at a time and you should find your problem :slight_smile:

Hi yeh thanks i’ve fixed the problem it was the debug

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