Reduce Pause/Lag from Awake/Start when using LoadLevelAsync()

I’m trying to create a smooth loading screen for moving from scene to scene using

public IEnumerator LoadScene()
     //Start loading next scene
     asyncOperation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(levelToLoadName);
     asyncOperation.allowSceneActivation = false;

     yield return asyncOperation;

void Update ()
     if(asyncOperation.isDone || asyncOperation.progress >= 0.9f)
     asyncOperation.allowSceneActivation = true;

I’m getting a long lag/pause on the loading screen as soon as allowSceneActivation is set to true, which I believe is from all the Awake() and Start() functions being called in the new scene (using quite a large project).

Problem is, how do I get around this? I can’t call any function on a scene that is still not loaded.

I’ve tested the loading transition with a scene that has no MonoBehaviours in it and can confirm this is happening due to the Awake/Start calls.

Any ideas?
