reduce vertices and triangles for plane made with unity

I am creating a plane using unity. The thing is that this plane has 200 triangles and 100+ vertices. Because my plane is not altered( i only set a texture on it), i think that the plane should have 2 triangles and 4 vertices. Can this be done?

i think i need to change the mesh filter for my plane. I’ve created one with only 4 vertices in blender, but after i delete the original plane mesh in unity and place the new 4-vertices mesh, i only get a color that can be found on my texture, but not the texture itself. Can i place a texture on a 4 vertices mesh? if so, what am i doing wrong?

There are 3 ways you can take:

  • The easy way:

Use the basic type “Quad” from the standard Objects. It basically is a plane with 2 triangles and scalex 1x1 Game units (Plane is 10x10)

  • The medium way:

Someone already made a 2 tri Plane and put it in the Asset Store here. Just import it.

  • The hard way:

If you wanna make a Plane in Blender (starting from the default cube) delete all faces exept the top and scale it 5 times up, move it to the center, press crl + a (applay scale and transformation) and save it (as .blend) in your assets.

Yes, you will need to export a simple plane object (with 4 vertices) from a 3d editor of choice. Or you could buy some extended primitives from asset store for a couple of bucks.

As for your problem, I would say that you forgot to add UV coordinates to your plane model. If not, try to place exported plane to the scene not replacing mesh in existing plane and see if it works.