only one directional light in the scene with realtime soft shadows. Getting info about additional light shadows…what additional light shadows? All my additional lights in the scene have turned off shadows…still getting the msg
what is the current workaround to get rid of these messages?
I know this is necroing the thread, but the reason for this is that you are editing it in Library/PackageCache. If you wanna edit any package copy it from Library/PackageCache to Packages. I find it best to rename them not to have the version on the directory name, as that way any updates you do don’t need fancy detect renames etc. in version control.
Not really necroing a thread if it’s for an active issue that got no resolution or recognition still ;/
Going to throw one more stick on the pile hoping that at some point it gets some attention. I understand all the general concepts at play here but some of these limitations seem insane given modern rendering techniques. I have the following scenario:
1 Large low poly scene
1 Mixed Directional Light with no shadows
2 Low Poly Objects
4096 Max Shadow Map resolution
As soon as I add 1 non-directional light with shadows, even at 128 texture size, this error starts popping up. I either can decide to have shadows on a directional light that I don’t want to have, or nothing unless I reduce my scene size. In 2023. Some people here might think this is OK, I personally strongly disagree and would really like to see Unity do something, or at least SAY something.
Totally helpfull for me! Great job thanks.
the same thing happens in version 2021.3.6f1, after switching to version 2021.3.19f1 the problem disappears, but you can’t build because the textures and lighting don’t work…
What a shitshow unity is atm
is there a fix now ? This issue is bugging me
Ran into this with a totally baked scene and the latest 2021.3 doesn’t make any sense at all!
getting this error in
Unity 2021.3.14f1
Here is how I fixed this error:
All you have to do is go inside your URP asset and check the “cast shadow” option, then change the shadow atlas resolution as your shadow resolution. Hope this helps.
Interesting. I still get the error with this fix, but only once instead of it spamming the console.
So I have been toying a bit with this issue and wanted to provide an answer that is neither “muh shadows” nor “yall insanse for wanting this much shadows”.
First of all, there is no magic combination of settings for this. If you cranked up the Shadow Atlas Resolution to max and you still get this issue, you straight up have too many shadow casters. Period. The only thing you can do is reduce shadow resolutions to low or medium (trust me, it won’t destroy your shadows, the worst it does is make them less pronounced/strong). If that does not help, your only solution is go trough every light one by one and decide which one you can get away with not casting shadows with. If you put in some effort you’d be surprised how few shadow casters you actually need to make your scenes look really good. Also keep ambient occlusion on. It helps you get away with a lot. It’s essentially a game of whack-a-mole where you are trying to find the maximum number of shadow casters you can get away with.
There is a very good reason that out of all warnings Unity could spam endlessly, it’s this one. It’s a not so subtle hint that you should think twice about shadow casters. It’s really annoying that it essentially offers no real solutions and it has seemingly no real consiquences (I mean the warning itself basically tells you that there is this issue that Unity already fixed?) but I assume it’s a complex problem which has no simple answers unfortunately.
Not sure if this was mentioned but its pretty easy to set the Shadowmap resolution via reflection to get higher values. I’m using 16.384 even on a PS5 / PSVR 2 and it works fine (and actually has much better performance then constant downscaling calculations).
I changed the Additional Lights setting from Per Pixel to Per Vertex, it eliminates the message at the moment
Shouldnt this be handled automatically by nearest lights count in shadow casting only for example ?
I dont recall getting this error before, so maybe they are not handling it now but did in the past ?
This helped me out. I reduced the shadow resolution of some point lights to low, and the problem is gone.
Thank you!
This is dumb. Even in Adaptive Probe Volume baked workflow with 1 Mixed Directional, Baked Points it will complain about punctual…
Do they even try their new feature?
You have to set all punctual lights to No Shadows after you have baked, even though they are set to Baked… And, of course, this will require entire rebake because it converts them to realtime as soon as you change any setting. Set Mixed Lighting settings to Baked Indirect, otherwise it converts to realtime on play.