Reference a class (IronSource) in a custom folder which have asmdef file


I am currently trying to implement IronSource/LevelPlay médiation into my project.

I am currently facing a problem

My project is structured as follow:



All my script are in Assets/Source, and I would Like to implement IronSource in this folder. However i get the typical error “IronSource unknown: are you missing an assembly définition…”

How to fix this? IronSource doesn’t have any asmdef file that I can import :confused:

Note: if I just move the LevelPlay folder in Source, the samples file that worked before stop working with the same error

Select your asmdef file in your Source folder and, in the inspector, under “Assembly Definition References”, add a reference to the IronSource assembly.

It doesn’t? If so, create one. You may have to create several though (at least for editor scripts).

If it has source code, then do as @CodeSmile suggested. If it has precompiled assemblies, instead, then you can also reference those from the inspector of your asmdef. (You need to check the “Override References” checkbox to access this).

It has no source code, I tried referencing after checking “Override References”, but I cannot find it in it:

It doesn’t? If so, create one. You may have to create several though (at least for editor scripts).

I have no access to the source code (precompiled script maybe)

It doesn’t have asmdef file and I have no access to the source code (precompiled script maybe)

Why does this not have source code?

According to the IronSource Levelplay setup instructions for Unity, it seems to indicate that it comes with a lot of scripts. Perhaps you installed the wrong library? Be sure to follow the instructions to the point. Do so in an empty project first to avoid any issues with existing assets and code.

The import of Ironsource say this script are under Packages:

However I don’t think It is possible to access it :confused:
Here is my packages file: