Reference does not stick

Hi There,

So I’m trying to use System.Speech in my code. I’ve gone into monodevelop and right clicked on references and edited references. Therein I found the desired library and included it and it now shows in the list of references.

Added a using System.Speech.Synthesis and built it successfully. I then went to run my game and it would not execute suggesting I am missing an assembly reference.

If I save and quit both Monodevelop and Unity, next time I enter monodevelop System.Speech is no longer in the references.

What am I doing wrong? Do I need to import the System.Speech DLL as an asset or something? I must stress I have as yet done nothing but attempt to pull in the library so at this point I don’t even know if it will work when I have finished that!

Any help would be gratefully received.


Do I need to import the System.Speech DLL as an asset or something?

Bingo. Unity is a little weird about how it compiles things. Wants to have all the files for itself.

Besides that, Unity is pretty weird about MonoDevelop’s project files in general. Rather than allowing you to make changes to the files, Unity automatically regenerates them on a regular basis. That’s fine if you want Unity to “just work”, which most people do, but it’s annoying as hell if you’re an experienced developer who expects that file to work normally.