I have a prefab which has a script which has a list of references and starts with just one reference.
When adding an instance of this prefab in to the scene and adding references to this list programmatically in Editor mode the added references do not become a bold font like they usually would when manually dragging and dropping/adding to the list and when I save and reload the scene all the references which were added are then lost, to be specific the list doesn’t show that there are any missing references but the list goes back to having only one element/item on the list just like the prefab instance started off when first dragging it in to the scene before adding anything to the list, like it’s in its default state.
If however I do the same as above but before saving I manually change any random variable for this script in the inspector for the prefab instance it causes the inspector to refresh and the added references to the list become a bold font and then if I save and load the scene the references are kept when I reload the scene.
This seems like a bug in the Editor. I’m hoping this will get patched but in the meantime I’m also hoping for a work around, is there any method I can call to force the prefab instance or any object for that matter to refresh/validate its variables?
Using Unity version 6000.0.34f1
Thanks in advance.