References to GameObject become null

I have a C# script that is supposed to handle Quick Time Events. I have it so that the event is activated via ActivateQTE(gameObject), so that I’ll know who called it. However, once the quicktime event is done, the variables I stored on activation are all Null! Specificaly, button1, button2 and called become null. Am I doing something wrong?

bool isActive = false, canQTE = true;
public float duration;
float timer;
int count;
public GameObject key1, key2;
GameObject button1, button2, called;

public void ActivateQTE (GameObject go)
		isActive = true;
		timer = 0f;
		count = 0;
		called = go;
void Update ()
	if (isActive) {
		timer += Time.deltaTime;
		//This bit runs only once when it activates.
		if (canQTE) {
			canQTE = false;
			//Creates the buttons onscreen
			button1 = (GameObject)Instantiate (key1);
			button2 = (GameObject)Instantiate (key2);
		if (timer < duration) {
			//Do QTE
		} else {
			//Here is where the issue starts. "button1", "button2" and null, so is "called"
			Destroy (button1);
			Destroy (button2);
			if (count >= clearAmmount) {
				called.SendMessage ("QTE_Clear");
			} else {
				called.SendMessage ("QTE_Fail");
			isActive = false;
			canQTE = true;

Thanks in advance

when you Instantiate an object make sure you do it “as GameObject”. It might classified as something else like a transform.
button1 = (GameObject)Instantiate (key1) as GameObject;