All my non-MonoBehaviour classes are developed in VS outside of unity and then transferred as a .dll to my Assets folder. My MonoBehaviours are in script (source) form in the Asset folder. I also have other scripts in the Asset folder purchased through the Asset Store. Some of my std classes in my external .dll need to have access to the Asset Store acquired scripts. To do this in VS, I’ve added the 3rd party source code as a project and referenced it successfully from my VS project, allowing me to reference those scripts. So far so good.
Here’s the rub: When I compile my Std classes into .dlls and copy over to Unity, a .dll for the 3rd party project is also created and dragged along as it is referenced in my .dll. Having the VS-generated, 3rd party .dll in Unity in support of my std .dll results in a conflict with the 3rd party scripts already there. Deleting the 3rd party .dll in Unity results in my .dll not finding the 3rd party references it needs in Unity even though the 3rd party scripts are there.
I’ve tried simply referencing the Unity Project C# .dll from my VS project which should contain the compiled 3rd party source, but the 3rd party code doesn’t appear to be there.
In my observation, this appears to be a general problem with Asset Store scripts that need to be referenced from within external .dlls. I’ve searched all the forums and can’t even find the subject as an issue, much less a workaround. What am I missing and can anyone point me in the right direction?