Referencing a script from another script does not work,Referencing functions from another Script isnt working

I am getting more and more frustrated and just can’t get to the bottom of this problem I have.I want to call a function from another Script in my “Player”-Script but Unity keeps throwing this error: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Player.Start () (at Assets/Scripts/Player.cs:22)

I have looked up multiple solutions but none of them seem to work. What is confusing me, is the fact that the functions and the class itself in the “PowerBar”-Script show that they are being referenced in the “Player”-Script. I don’t get why Unity tells me that they are not referenced to.

This is the Player-Script: (PlayerMovement is the CharacterController-Script, which works perfectly fine)

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Player : MonoBehaviour
    public PlayerMovement playerMovement;
    float horMove = 0f;
    bool jump = false;
    bool crouch = false;
	public float runSpeed = 40f;

    public PowerBar powerBar;
    public int minPower = 10;
    public int currentPower;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        currentPower = minPower;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

    void FixedUpdate()
		// Move Character
        playerMovement.Move(horMove * Time.fixedDeltaTime, crouch, jump);
		jump = false;

    void PlayerInput()
		horMove = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") * runSpeed;

            jump = true;

       		 crouch = true;
        } else if(Input.GetButtonUp("Crouch"))
        	  crouch = false;

    void GainPower(int gain)
            currentPower += gain;

This is the PowerBar Script:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class PowerBar : MonoBehaviour
    public Slider slider;
    public Gradient gradient;
    public Image fill;

    public void SetMinPower(int power)
        slider.minValue = power;
        slider.value = power;

        fill.color = gradient.Evaluate(1f);
    public void SetPower(int power)
        slider.value = power;

        fill.color = gradient.Evaluate(slider.normalizedValue);

I hope someone can help me because I spent way too much time on this simple problem. Both of the Scripts are stored in the same folder by the way, so that can’t be the problem.

You aren’t initialising powerBar anywhere before the Start method is run. So it’s null. Which is why you are getting a null reference exception.