Referencing a script in c#

This may have been answered, but after lots of digging I can’t quite find the right working solution.

Here’s what I have. Two scripts:

AICharController which is attached to a GameObject “Enemy”.
MathUtils which is attached to a GameObject “SystemObject”.

I’m attempting to call MathUtils to reference some functions within it, but I keep getting the following error "The name ‘MathUtils’ does not exist in the current context.

Within my class I have the following:

	private GameObject _oSystemObject;
	private Component _cMathUtils;
	// Use this for initialization
	public void Start () {
		_oSystemObject = GameObject.Find("SystemObject");
		_cMathUtils = (MathUtils)(_oSystemObject.GetComponent("MathUtils"));

and then later

if (_cMathUtils.IsNullVector(_vNextWaypoint)) {

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



Bit of an update… I changed this line:

_cMathUtils = _oSystemObject.GetComponent("MathUtils");

And now I get the following error:

“UnityEngine.Component does not contain a definition for IsNullVector”

So the question becomes, how do I cast the component so that it recognizes my method?

Nevermind, I figured it out. False alarm.

[RequireComponent(typeof())] is good to have. Hahah

You actually you don’t “need” that. This works:

            Component stats = GlobalManager.CurrentTarget.GetComponent("EnemyStats");
            GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 20, 90, 20), "Attack: " + ((EnemyStats)stats).AttackValue);