Referencing an InputField to insert SQLite

Hi All. Complete noob here: What i’m trying to do is a simple registration screen where a text inputfields can be saved into an SQLite database. as you can see in the most of it are predefined strings as i am still testing it around. i have a script that should insert the values and it is attached to a button and calls the InsertScore function once it is clicked.

Anyway, why can’t i reference txtEmployeeID (the name of my Input Field) in C#? or better yet please show me how to reference the txtEmployeeID input field. that way i can get the string or the text inside it and save it into the database.

public void InsertScore()

connectionString = “URI=file:” + Application.dataPath + “/HighScoreDB.sqlite”;

using (SqliteConnection con = new SqliteConnection(connectionString))

SqliteCommand cmd = new SqliteCommand();
cmd.CommandText = @“INSERT INTO HighScores(EmployeeID, EmployeeFirstname, TestScore, ROLE) VALUES (@EmployeeID,@EmployeeFirstName,@TestScore, @ )”;
cmd.Connection = con;
//cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(“@EmployeeID”, “222222”));
//cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(“@EmployeeID”, gameObject.GetComponent
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(“@EmployeeFirstName”, “Anand3”));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(“@TestScore”, “65”));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(" @ ", “Tester”));





should be “Input” not input, and it’s looking at the “current” gameobject, i.e. the one this script is attached to.

simplest way to get this to work would be to add a public class variable so you expose a field in the inspector and drag the relevant Input field into it, you then have a reference to the input you want to use in the script.