I’m referencing arrays with a variable, like this…
However, this isn’t working. Can you not dynamically reference arrays? This is what I am doing (probably excessive I know, but just need to sort out what I can and can’t do with arrays.)
var blocks = new Array ();
var k : int;
var k2 : int;
k2 = k++;
blocks[k] = f1;
print (blocks[k]);
blocks [k2] = f2;
print (dif);
So you’ve created an array called blocks, but it has no elements in it as of yet. So your code in the loop isn’t even going to run as blocks.length will always return zero.
You’re using JS arrays there, so you’d add new code with array.Add(), or perhaps Push() (check out http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/ScriptReference/Array.html) for methods at the end of the page. You also can’t just index at a new value outside the array to add an element, use Add or resize the array with array.length, which would then allow you to index at that point.